Supporting Soldiers Overseas

Consider collecting books, magazines, or  gift cards for our men and women in uniform, "food for the mind," and we can provide you
with addresses for collections points or you can link up with Books For Soldiers
Here are some  "favorite books" suggestions we've received so far for soldiers:
     The Hobbit   Robinson Crusoe    The Robe     
     Eragon    Ender's Game    Thief Lord
     The Giver    Brave Companions
     Pillars of the Earth

You can also help to link up deployed and deploying parents in the U.S. Armed Forces with an organization that attempts to unite soldiers with their children through storybook recordings made via the internet.  A Story Before Bed organization has volunteered to make available one hundred thousand free recording to soldiers overseas. And Amazon has back in stock (for now) Record a Story: Guess How Much I Miss You for soldiers to record in their own voices and send to their young children back home.

Send us your books-for-soldiers suggestions via comment, email, or on Facebook (see link at bottom of blog).  Thanks!